Workforce Development in Northern Arizona
The labor force in Northern Arizona encompasses a broad region. According to statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau, 38 percent of the workforce travels more than 50 miles to go to work each day. This reaches into the surrounding Navajo and Hopi communities as well as the Verde Valley to the south.
In terms of education and training, the region offers a wide variety of workforce development resources. In addition to Northern Arizona University and Coconino Community College, there is a network of non-profit and government sector efforts to ensure that new, relocating or expanding businesses have a well-educated and skillful talent pool to draw from.
Highlights of this effort include:

Arizona@Work is the statewide workforce development network that helps employers of all sizes and types recruit, develop and retain the best employees for their needs. For job seekers throughout the state, it provides services and resources to pursue employment opportunities. It is a public/ private partnership with 12 regional areas (including Coconino County) and 47 local offices, all working together through one organization to provide innovative workforce solutions to employers and job seekers. Through the support of federal funding, Arizona@Work services are provided at no charge.
Learn more: arizonaatwork.com

Workforce Development Board
The Coconino County Workforce Development Board is the advisory group appointed by the Coconino County Board of Supervisors to provide direction and policy guidance to workforce partners designated in the 2014 Federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. The local Board partners with employers and other entities to support workforce development, including specific initiatives for the advanced manufacturing and biosciences; youth programs; career expos; and job skills enhancement workshops.
The Coconino County WIOA 2017-2021 LOCAL PLAN defines the strategies and initiatives to increase workforce system efficiencies that ensure the continuing growth of the workforce system and the creation of a customer-centered system in which:
Learn more at: coconino.az.gov
Northern Arizona University
Northern Arizona University (NAU) students and alumni are among the largest pool of potential employees for businesses in our region. NAU works to connect its students and alumni with employers through its Career Development office.
NAU uses the platform Handshake as a free online recruitment tool for both internships and jobs. Career Development also hosts multiple recruiting events throughout the year for students of all academic years and majors. At this time, these events are virtual because of safety concerns.

The Navajo Department of Workforce Development implements educational services and job training activities for eligible youths and adults. It is the largest Native American grantee of Workforce Investment Act funding and services in the United States and has numerous offices throughout northeastern Arizona, including in Leupp, Kayenta, and Tuba City.