Business Attraction
Creating more jobs is the key to increasing economic prosperity and vitality in the region. Since the founding of ECONA, the agency and its partners at the City of Flagstaff, Greater Flagstaff Chamber of Commerce, and Coconino County have helped attract new businesses to the region, thereby creating more local jobs while boosting economic prosperity. This new surge of development will set the stage for future growth while positioning Flagstaff as a beacon for job creation and innovation in Northern Arizona.

Workforce Development
Strategic workforce development, combined with efforts to bring more high-paying jobs to our region, is an important step in building the infrastructure we need to ensure continued growth and sustainability for businesses and organizations across northern Arizona. We enjoy a diverse business base in Flagstaff, from sophisticated bioscience firms to advanced manufacturing companies. These businesses require a highly skilled, appropriately trained workforce in order to stand their ground as industry leaders.

Business Retention & Expansion
While northern Arizona is renown worldwide for its rural splendor, those of us who live, work and play here every day understand it takes a strong network of businesses to sustain each community’s economy beyond periods of peak tourism. Retention and expansion of existing businesses across diverse industries and sectors - and cultivation of entrepreneurs already in northern Arizona - is imperative to the long-term economic vitality of our region. This is why we’ve prioritized support for existing businesses and emerging entrepreneurs as a vital component of our work at ECONA. Market research, high-level technical assistance, timely and relevant information is provided to our businesses so they can keep growing with the support of the surrounding community. The BR&E team helps ensure our resident current and future business owners can continue to work, live, play, and – most importantly – stay in northern Arizona.
Vision Statement
Northern Arizona will be recognized as a premier business destination and will become a top performing economy in the State of Arizona. Business partners will work diligently to excel in job creation, innovation, entrepreneurship, global business, and quality workforce development in order to grow and sustain a stable, business-friendly environment. ECONA will provide insight, infrastructure, resources and development efforts to enhance the economic prosperity of the region by increasing wealth and accelerating job creation.